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Friday, November 30, 2012

even an hour

The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body by Barrie St John
The proof of how powerful hypnosis can be, comes in many forms. So much so that certain practices have long since been discontinued on the basis ethics and professionalism.
Some years ago, a fairly common practice in stage hypnosis was to induce a state called the full body catalepsy,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots. In this state, the "subject" experiences a complete rigidity of all the muscle groups in his body. He/she becomes completely stiff, like a piece of wood. As a demonstration, stage hypnotists would often position the subject's head and feet on opposing chairs, without support through the torso and legs. This created a sort of human bridge, upon which the hypnotist would sit or stand.
The full body catalepsy contains no therapeutic use whatsoever. It serves merely for theatrics, and it's obviously quite frowned upon today. It is unlikely to be seen very much these days for ethical reasons. Despite the fact that you're unlikely to see such a stunt,death of a loved one, it remains a strong example of how powerful hypnosis can be. The act of turning a person's body into a rod of iron with mere suggestion is quite simply an amazing feat.
To a greatly lessened extent, catalepsy is still used today, but only on isolated body parts like an arm or a leg. This is done to deepen the state of hypnosis,How to Avoid Being Old by Barbara Morris, and bears no risk of injury to the subject unlike the full body catalepsy. In fact, they don't even feel any discomfort. For instance, I can induce hypnosis on someone, and bring about arm catalepsy, and they can remain in this position for an extended period of time, even an hour, without feeling a thing. Try this at home, and within a few short moments,but simply learn how to shield out pessimistic comments or suggestions., you will feel extremely uncomfortable.
Hypnosis is its own form of pain control. A technique called glove anesthesia can be induced where the hand can be made to feel numb, and experience a total loss of sensation. The anesthesia can then be transferred to other parts of the body by putting the anesthetized hand on another body part, such as the stomach. This is a very powerful technique which I have used many times with great success.
A more subtle example of the power of hypnosis is witnessed regularly if you watch competitive athletes, like runners, as they mentally prepare for a race. There extreme focus and concentration takes them to a place where everything else is tuned out, and they are literally running every inch of that race in their mind, before it even begins, mentally planning every step.
Fortunately, we needn't go to severe extremes anymore to prove the power of hypnosis. The theatrical impact of hypnosis has of course dropped in popularity over the past decade or so anyway, and practices such as the full body catalepsy are a thing of the past. There is no longer the need for hypnotists to demonstrate the amazing power the mind has over the physical body. The general public is much more aware of the power and effects of hypnosis these days, even if there are still many myths that still remain.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The answer is

Life Is Like A Streetcar: You Need To Be Right On Track To Get The Power! by Ineke Van Lint
Engineers know it. Streetcars know it. I know it, and in fact, you know it too. If you're not right on track, then you won't be getting any power. You won't feel the energy surge, and you won't feel love, freedom or abundance either. You will feel stuck and empty.
You must be on the right track before you can feel the drive of Universal Energy. Just like a streetcar. Imagine the most beautiful, the most sophisticated streetcar there is, equipped with all the latest technology. In the tracks there is plenty of electricity available, always, ready and willing to pump its invigorating juice into whatever it is connected to,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots.
However beautiful or modern this streetcar may be, as long as it is not aligned with the tracks it won't get any power to go forward. The streetcar remains motionless. Mind you, this static condition is NOT a decision of the energy supply! The power line is NOT saying, "Heh, I don't like the looks of this streetcar, I won't give it any energy." The energy is always available, that's not the problem. But you need to know how to tap into it and use it for your own propulsion!
We are all very familiar with the mechanism of power supply. We've learned how to use electricity when we were kids. We all know that if we don't put the plug into the socket, then the lamp will not produce any light. We're not so stupid that we want the lamp to shine without making contact with the energy source.
Then why are we so stupid when it comes to our own real life,inside of you? Why do we not connect to the Universal Power Supply when we want to get our juices flowing? We are like the television set that all of the sudden stops working. The repairman comes over only to find that your TV is completely okay, everything is checked and certified and functions properly. Then how come we didn't get a signal? Because the plug fell out of the socket!
How come we are always tired, low on energy, or depressed? Because we are not plugging into the Cosmic Source of Energy! We are like a lamp that tries to shine its light but forgot to plug itself into the power grid. We keep visiting the doctor to look for help, and he keeps saying that everything's fine, "it's in your head," or "it's the stress." This basically means, "I have no clue what's wrong with you, sir/madam, technically everything is okay." All the while we simply forgot to plug in!
If you want to be like a streetcar that is swiftly moving forwards along its tracks, then check your power connection! Energy is always available, but you have to be aligned with your tracks before you can receive it. So where is your track? The answer is: it's your mission. Your track is the realization of your goal, your reason for being here on earth. You have a Life Plan. You have a Life Goal. This is the road you need to travel, this is the way you need to go, this is the track you need to follow. You have your talents to discover, to develop and to offer to the world. God knows you will have plenty of energy once you start doing just that!
Find your goal in life. Discover your mission. Discover your own unique talents, your gifts from heaven,a kind word, given to you at birth. You are meant to grow and cultivate your talents and gifts, and to offer them to the people you meet in your life, anyone that crosses your path. Don't hide your talents! What a waste that would be! Instead of crying out loud about "fate," instead of blaming others for your misery,begging, go ahead and ask yourself why you came on earth. Find the answer to this question, and then start to passionately live the answer!
This is what it means to be right on track. Like a streetcar that smoothly moves along, energized by the ever-present power. Like the lamp, shining brightly to lighten up the lives of everyone in the room. Plug into the universal energy; it's always there, for you as well as for everyone else. The only thing you have to do is to stay connected. Your connection is in the realization of your mission here on earth. All the energy you need is available to you through the socket that is your goal! So find your mission, find your talents, share them with the world, and Universal Energy will flow into your life to fulfill all your needs!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

your brain will begin to believe it. Consequently

Lose the Weight You Want Forever
I know this is the time of year when there is all kinds of information available about weight loss. If everyone has the information available to him or her, then why is losing weight so difficult? The answer is relatively simple for those of us who have added some extra weight—we need to eat less and exercise more,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots. So, why do we continually find ourselves in the same place year after year with carrying around more weight than we want to?
The problem is that there are many nonconscious issues that often sabotage our best-laid plans. This article will help you understand some of what may be preventing you from making the forward progress that you want.
Preliminary Steps
One of the first things to look at is your need strength profile. This is a self-assessment that determines which of a person's five basic needs drives the majority of that person's behavior. All of us have the same five basic needs but freedom may be my highest need, while love & belonging may be yours and survival may be someone else's. The other two needs are power and fun. These all play a huge role in why we do the things we do in the way we do them.
Next it is important to seriously consider all the things you want in your life, not just your weight loss goals but the whole of everything you want to do,Coming to Believe vs. Deciding, have and experience in your life. Ask yourself the question, "What do I want? If I could have anything, what would it be? What do I really, truly want?"
After that, you want to narrow down what you want to a complete vision of how things will change for you after losing the weight you want to lose. What will you have that you don't have now? What will you do differently? How will you be different? You must be able to clearly see the finished version of what you are attempting to accomplish with all its accompanying perks. This will become your own personal mental movie or daydream of how you want your life to be after accomplishing your weight loss goals. You will begin to visualize your success at least once a day.
The next step is to record all the things you do that both help or hinder your progress toward your weight loss plan. So, for example, if you were able to resist donuts for breakfast, write that down. If you ordered dessert after a meal at a restaurant, record that as well. In addition to the actual behaviors, you also must write down the thoughts and feelings you experience that either help or hinder your progress, too.
So, if you think to yourself, "It's OK if I have this piece of chocolate. I was really good yesterday"—write that down. Then, if you have the thought, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"—write that down too. If you're feeling bored and you grab a bag of potato chips, record the boredom feeling. If you feel elated when you skip a favorite dessert, write that down also. Keep track of everything you do, think and feel that either helps or impedes your progress toward your weight loss goals.
The next step is to critically evaluate the things you are doing, thinking and feeling and ask yourself the difficult question—"If I keep doing everything the way I've been doing it, will I end up with what I REALLY want? Will I accomplish the vision I have of my new life that I created in my mental movie?"
If your answer is yes, then great! You probably don't even need to continue reading this article. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get there. However, if your answer is no, then read on.
If your answer is no, then hopefully you have been successful in creating some cognitive dissonance for yourself. This is an uncomfortable feeling that provides you with information that you need to make some changes. Without experiencing this cognitive dissonance, it's easy to continue with the bad habits we have developed over time. People generally don't implement changes in their lives unless they are in some serious pain.
Zig Zigler, a great motivational speaker says, "The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now." When you are trying to make a change as big as losing weight, you must constantly keep your eyes on the prize.
If you're not moving forward toward your goal, the first thing you need to examine is: Do you have a burning desire to accomplish your goal? Whatever your weight and fitness goal is, you must have a burning desire to accomplish it.
Another possibility is that up until now you haven't had a very good plan about how to go about losing weight. Without a solid plan, there will easily be loopholes allowing you to sabotage your success. Willpower alone only takes us so far when we are fighting our brain's conditioning.
A third possibility is that you want something else that is competing with your weight loss plan. There are many possibilities to consider but you will find some clues, either hidden or obvious, in the list of your behaviors, thought and emotions that you previously developed. What do you do, think and feel instead of the things that will ensure your success with your weight loss plan? An excellent question to ask yourself is: "What would you have to give up to become successful with your weight loss goals?"
Once you become conscious of the other things you want in addition to losing weight, you have some decisions to make. Is the thing you want something you want more than losing weight? If it is, then you can decide to give up on the idea of losing weight and simply be content doing, having or obtaining the other thing you want. You will then have a new goal toward which to work.
Another option is to consciously decide that you want to lose weight more than anything else. If that occurs, then you must specifically target your personal areas of temptation in your neural reconditioning program, which I will explain later.
Finally, the last option involves figuring out some kind of compromise so that you can have some of each of the things you want. For example, I just read in a magazine of a movie star who restricts her carbohydrate intake six days a week but then she allows herself as much pizza as she wants on Sundays. That's a workable compromise.
The final question to ask yourself is: "Am I willing to do the necessary work to make my plan come to fruition?"
Developing your Plan
There are several things to take into account when making a plan. You must consider your most important needs and be sure to build in way to meet those needs while still losing weight. If your biggest need is love & belonging, then you may want a partner to work with you. If survival is your biggest need, then you will need to build in a way for you to feel safe.
If power is your highest need, then what you want to think about is perhaps making your weight loss a competition somehow. If your highest need is freedom, then you must begin to think about things, people, activities or places that allow you to feel free that won't impede your weight loss progress and add them to your weight loss plan. If your highest need is fun, then you must find a way to make your weight loss fun for you.
The next step is to develop positive affirmations that support your weight loss goals. You must begin to reprogram the negative thoughts that are standing in the way of you accomplishing your goals. Oftentimes, these thoughts are even out of your conscious awareness but they prevent your success nonetheless.
Affirmations are positive, present, time sensitive statements affirming what you want to be true. Research shows that our brains do not know the difference between the truth and a lie. When you affirm a particular thought, value or belief in your mind frequently enough over a long enough period of time, your brain will begin to believe it. Consequently, the brain will mobilize its strong forces to do whatever it takes to manifest the thing you are claiming to be true in your life.
Write out as many affirmations as you want to support your goals. You may have affirmations about food, exercise, thoughts and anything else that will help you move in the direction of accomplishing your goals. There is no limit to how long your list of affirmations can be. You decide how much time you want to spend with them each day, with five minutes twice daily being the minimum. You should recite your affirmations once upon first waking up and then at the end of the day just before going to sleep.
It is helpful to look yourself in the eyes while saying your affirmation. You can do this, of course, with the use of a mirror. Look yourself in the eyes, as though daring the person in the mirror to dispute the truth of what you are saying. Repeat your affirmations with passion and conviction twice daily. If you can fit them in a third time around lunch, even better.
Next, you want to spend some time analyzing your food triggers—those things that prompt you to eat the wrong foods and to eat when you are not hungry.
Many people have substituted food to meet their needs in an unhealthy way. We eat when we are depressed. We eat when we are excited. We eat when we are stressed. We eat when we are bored. We eat when we are angry. We eat when we are scared. Different people for a variety of reasons use emotions as triggers to eat. And it's not as if we are diving into the refrigerator to pull out an apple or some carrots! No! We are reaching for the chocolate or the potato chips. And no, these are not in the 5th food group!
Emotions are only one thing that we use for a food trigger. Sometimes we eat to be social. Sometimes we eat because the food is free. Sometimes we eat because we are experiencing a particular craving. Sometimes we eat for comfort. Sometimes we eat because the clock tells us it's time to do so.
Other times,Answer every question on multiple choice tests, we will eat when we are not hungry because we paid for the meal. We were told we must clean our plate and not waste food. We tell ourselves we don't like leftovers so we better eat it up or maybe there isn't enough to save and we don't want to throw good food away.
In order to be successful with your new weight loss agenda, you must begin to think of food differently. No longer is food your best friend or the thing you reach for to comfort you. Food is simply fuel for your body. The only time to eat is when your body signals you that it is hungry and then you must be conscious of the food for which you reach.
Get conscious about the things you are doing as they pertain to weight loss. Paying attention and noting the events and circumstances that trigger your eating will provide you with a lot of information about what to do to fix things.
After analyzing your food triggers, it is appropriate to again ask the question, "What would you have to give up to accomplish the weight loss goals you've set?" You may have uncovered new information to consider.
If you've come this far, it's time to construct your plan. First of all, this plan must be written. You are going to write yourself a contract! The first two items are your plan will include daily visualization of your new life and the recitation of your affirmations,period..
Include ways to get your primary needs met that won't sabotage your weight loss efforts. Include elements of past successes that will add to your likelihood of success. Include efforts to do something different when you experience your strong food triggers. Be proactive about what you will do instead. Don't simply write, "I will not eat when I am depressed." Write what you will do instead.
If in analyzing conflicting wants, you decided to compromise, attempting to have some of each of the things you want, then you will have to address the limits and boundaries you intend to place on both items. When you are satisfied with the potential success of your plan, sign and date it. Then follow the plan you've made with dogged determination.
If you are interested in more specific detail about The Relationship Center's weight loss programs, please go to our website and peruse our various products or perhaps you might consider hiring a personal coach to assist you with your weight loss mission.

Monday, November 26, 2012

"Is there anything wrong with this little boy

Self Esteem: You Are Not Who You Think You Are
David sat in front of me at one of my five-day intensive workshops. A successful businessman with a wife and two grown children, David believed that he was not good enough.
"I'm insufficient," he said. "I'm inadequate."
I looked at this kind man and felt deep sadness for him. He did not know who he was.
"Why do you believe that?" I asked.
"I didn't do well in school, and I've made lots of mistakes in my life."
"So you are basing your worth on your performance, right?"
"Of course."
David could not conceive of any other way of defining his worth other than through his performance which he never saw as good enough,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots.
I asked David to look inside at the essence of himself - and tell me what he sees. All he saw was emptiness.
"David,it is very important not to force the thoughts away., please close your eyes. Now imagine a wonderful being who loves you very much. Who comes to mind?"
"My grandfather. He died when I was young, but he really loved me."
"Good. Now imagine that you are seeing yourself through the eyes of your grandfather. What does your grandfather see when he looks at you?"
"He sees a bright and creative little boy, who is very kind and caring. A loving little boy. A little boy who is funny and likes to laugh, and likes to make other people laugh."
"Is there anything wrong with this little boy,so he glove trained her and took her to do educational programs at schools. ? Anything inadequate or insufficient?"
"Oh no! He is a wonderful little boy."
"David, this is who you really are. You are not your performance. Your performance will come and go and at some point you might retire and not perform at all. Yet that does not mean that you are, therefore, worthless. Your worth is in who you are, not in what you do. Your worth in intrinsic."
David realized that,Bouncing Back After Setback And Disappointment by Andrea Waggener, because of his highly critical and rejecting parents, he had always been trying to prove himself and always came up short in their eyes. As a result of seeing himself as unworthy and inadequate, he did not treat himself well. He treated himself the way his parents had treated him with criticism and neglect. He was always trying to take care of everyone else, but rarely thought about taking care of himself. He was constantly abandoning himself emotionally, just as he had been emotionally abandoned by his parents.
"David, if you chose to see yourself as your grandfather saw you rather than how your parents saw you, how would you feel about yourself and how would you treat yourself?"
"I've just been thinking about that. I just realized that I treat my dog better than I treat myself! I would never judge my dog the way I judge myself."
"So what would you do differently if you saw yourself the way your grandfather sees you?"
"I would stop judging myself as insufficient and inadequate. I'm a really good person. I am not at all insufficient or inadequate as a person. And I choose my friends based on who they are as people not on their performance. So I obviously value the very qualities that I possess!"
"What else would you do if you really valued who you are?"
"I would listen to my own feelings and take care of my own needs instead of taking care of everyone else's feelings and needs. I would no longer see it as selfish to take care of myself instead of taking care of everyone else. I would be at least as attentive to myself as I am to my dog!"
David was glowing. He was discovering who he really is, not who he thought he was.
People often think that their worth who they really are is based on looks and performance. Yet these qualities are transitory. What is real and eternal is who you are in your heart and soul. If you shift your definition of your worth from outer to inner, you will stop trying to prove yourself. You will know that you are already a beautiful being, totally deserving of love.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Be open-minded and ready for organisational changes.

Behaviour to climb the stepping stones to career success
This "fruit for thought" article is for all human beings, who somehow find themselves in the role of breadwinner and striving to improve their living standards.
The heading of this article could just as well have been "How to position yourself for promotion" or "How to position yourself for career advancement" or "How to climb the success ladder" or something similar.
The answer on how to cultivate good work ethics is simple. Make yourself one of the linking pins in your organisation. A linking pin is someone to whom everybody turns to, to get information and advice from. It is also someone who can link persons, sections and departments for better co-operation. But most important of all, it is someone who can exert influence upwards, downwards and sideways in the organisation structure. In other words you must be able to influence people around you to carry out the wishes, policies and strategies of top management, by earning respect through your display of expertise and thoroughness. You must also be able to represent the valid wishes and needs of lower levels to top management. You can become a linking pin by striving to attain the following traits:
Career builder step 1: Cloak yourself with expert knowledge in your technical field of operation.
If you are an electrician, do not only be satisfied with your qualification. Try to gain more in depth expertise in this technical field of yours, to distinguish yourself from other electricians.
If you are an accountant, avail yourself of in depth knowledge about bookkeeping practices by studying or reading up on subjects pertinent for your field of technical expertise.
You can bluff your way during interviews, but once you have been appointed, people expect from you to perform. This is where the cookie crumbles or you succeed. The point is you must not only perform at an average level, but you must display exceptional or above average expertise, so that others can start to rely on your opinions and advice.
Career builder step 2: Produce accurate work.
Cultivate a habit to carry out your work correctly with a minimum of mistakes. Sloppiness or tardiness must definitely not be present in your attitude, personal appearance or any of your work outputs, be it notes, memo's, letters, spreadsheets, conversations or anything related to your work.
Imagine what will happen if debits and credits are being processed the wrong way around in a financial department. It will have disastrous consequences. Strive for professionalism in what you do.
Career builder step 3: Be quicker than most.
This is one of the best ways to demonstrate your superiority and efficiency. By executing duties and tasks speedily, you are being more productive and can entice more important tasks your way and thereby not only increase your merit ratings, but also your ultimate job rating. If you can perform your duties speedily, do not wait and stay idle, but present yourself to your superior for more work. Find a balance to be both quick and accurate.
Career builder step 4: Display awareness of productivity,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots.
This must start with your own self-evaluation. Ask yourself constantly if you are giving more back to the organisation in value, than what you are being paid every month,The Common Mistakes Made By A Job Seeker by Lubowa Planet. Although not easy to calculate, just thinking about it may have enough of an impact. Just imagine for a moment if your organisation were to be solely dependant for profit on the output of human beings only. In other words nothing to sell or produce but labour output. If you can do more, it reflects directly on profit. Luckily a lot of organisations have machines that make up in productivity for what is lost by unproductive employees. But being more productive in what you do as a human being, can contribute significantly to the profits of any organisation. As salaries are one of the highest cost elements in any organisation, this is one of the first cost elements that come under scrutiny during times of cost reduction efforts. You have to show your worth in order not to be included in downscaling of the labour force. But more positively, you have to show your worth to be counted in for consideration for promotion.
Career builder step 5: Get rid of time wasters.
Arriving late for work, stretching of tea and lunch breaks and elongated private conversations on the phone, are not only wasting your valuable time, but are a reflection of your poor awareness of productivity. Private conversations on the telephone are one of the most abused methods of stealth stealing from your employer. If you cannot be trusted on the use of the telephone, what else can you be trusted with? Are you a role model for getting rid of these time wasters or for abusing it? Are you earning respect for your ethical conduct in eradicating time wasters or are you just one of the crowd? If you discipline yourself and others around you on the economical use of time, you are on your way to earn a respected leadership role. Others must detect a sense of urgency in your execution of duties to begin to respect and follow your example. Do you want to be a follower or a leader? Do you want to stay obscured in the crowd for the rest of your life or do you want to be recognised? There is such a thing as telephone ethics, you know. If you are prepared to pay for your use of the employer telephone, you are not abusing it. Do you really know what you are costing your employer for using the phone? You are not supposed to use it for private purposes in the first place. It is a privileged instrument entrusted to you to help you in your work and not to cause financial loss to you employer.
Career builder step 6: Be open-minded and ready for organisational changes.
Whenever changes are announced, be positive and display a leadership role in executing the new policies and strategies. If you participated in the planning of the changes, then you were forewarned. But even if you experience unexpected changes, be first to look out for positive reasons for such changes and to influence others around you to accept it with positive attitudes. Defending superiors and higher management will increase your leadership status and trustworthiness. In a political sense it will display your role as siding with management against the disgruntled crowd.
Career builder step 7: Arrange and organise your paperwork.
A good filing system allows you to retrieve required documents and information fast for own use or for use by other parties. It is a reflection of your efficiency and your ability for sound logic thinking. If you surround yourself with paperwork to impress on others how busy you are, you are making the mistake of your life. It can be interpreted in many different ways, like you cannot cope with the workload, you cannot delegate, you spend too much on time wasters, you are too slow and worst of all you cannot manage yourself or others. If you cannot get rid of papers, you will not find the time to attend to the needs and development of your subordinates. You will also not find the time to liase with colleagues or to discipline your section or department. You will be a walk over and ripe for being misused by subordinates not respecting you. Rather be a reliable source of information with the time for training your subordinates and others. Clean up your desk to make time for others.
Career builder step 8: Read up on the principles of supervision and management.
Familiarise yourself with the knowledge on how to be a good supervisor or manager. If you can display management capabilities, you will sooner be identified for promotion. It is better to be promoted for your managerial capabilities than for your technical proficiency. It will allow you to perform your managerial duties better. Apart from being technically proficient, prepare yourself in advance for possible promotion. Make yourself ready and available for your employer and the future needs of your organisation.
Career builder step 9: Confidential information.
Your treatment of confidential information is going to be a good gauge of your character. You only have to make one mistake in this area, not to be trusted ever again. If you have a problem in this area, rectify it quickly,with a new boss. Your superiors and employer have to trust and rely on your discretion with confidential information. Some information must be kept confidential or secret until it is time for disclosure.
You must proof your ability for discretion with this type of information, so that they know they can trust and rely on you. Let them know and understand that you are part and parcel of management,So what does this have to do with eagles.
Career builder step 10: Show initiative.
Make suggestions to improve methods of work and systems. See problems as opportunities for improvement. Do not just report problems, but analyse it wisely and make recommendations for improvement. Recognise opportunities for improvement and development and utilise it.
Career builder step 11: Be honest, open and direct.
Harbouring a secretive attitude of slyness with hidden agenda's, will not remain a secret for long. Other persons will eventually detect it and despise you for it. You can just as well fire yourself, because that is where you will end up. Nobody will trust you after you have been exposed. Be open and direct in your communications and handling of conflict situations. Do not be afraid to air your opinions, as long as it is genuine and true. Truthful mistakes can always be remedied later on.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And what's the point of worrying about money

Understanding and Banishing Worry by Willie Horton
Worry is a corrosive form of useless thought - that is all worry is. Yet, it turns mole hills into mountains, conjures up imaginary crises and transforms the small puddles that we have to inevitably step over in life into raging impassable rivers. Instead of looking at life's little hand grenades for what they really are, our sad little minds turn them into weapons of mass self-destruction. Worry is not just a waste of your energy - worry, at best, is stifling the life out of you - at worst, it is the cancer that is eating you from the inside out. Worry removes you totally from the here and now and disables you from doing what needs to be done,now do you remember the movies in the mind.
Think about just how bizarre the act of worrying realy is. After all, what sensible person would willingly decide to direct their mental energy into something that they do not want to happen? Yet that is what worry is. Maybe this is solid evidence that there aren't too many sensible people about! I've spoken to plenty of people over the last year who are worried about losing their jobs - not because their jobs are in any jeopardy but because they've seen other people lose theirs and,It works like a charm. Before you do this exercise, everyday,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots, they take some perverse pleasure in wallowing in the wall-to-wall bad news that is choking the airwaves. And, in the recent past, I've come across quite a few individuals who are worried about money - who, at the very same time, have bought themselves new cars, comforted themselves with a few designer-labelled garments and, after that splurge, have ended up worrying even more!
Which is the more sensible thing to do? Worry about losing your job or doing the job to the very best of your ability? After all, not doing your job to the best of your ability increases the chances of you losing it - your worry, as it often does, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And what's the point of worrying about money? It would be far better for you to re-focus your mind on the small but important things that make life truly worth living? Which will lead to a happier and more successful life, directing your energy into what you don't want to happen or pouring your energy into the here and now in the expectation that the things that you want to happen will come to pass?
Sadly, the normal mind is the author of its own misery. I'm not saying that bad things don't happen - the point I'm making is that, when they do, there are very few people who are mentally fit enough to get on with what needs to be done to dig themselves out of the hole and start afresh. In fact, normal people do quite the opposite - even when all is going well for the normal person, those actively go looking for a shovel! Sadly, there's a mountain of research from the field of psychology that indicates that we are predisposed to focus our minds on the negative. And, as one client told me recently, if he can't think of something negative, his mind will start making it up! That is all that worry is - a concoction of a fevered normal mind.
So, let's sort your worries out for you. The first thing that you need to understand is that outside events don't worry you - it is you who decides to worry. That decision may be subconscious but it is, nevertheless, a decision on your part. What you have to do it release your subconscious mind from its obsession with the negative. You don't do this by fighting - and giving even more energy to - the negative - rather, you achieve it be consciously paying attention to real reality - the reality of what is actually taking place in this moment. The reality of now is very different from what you perceive it to be. Your perception is warped by your negative subconscious mind - you see nothing as it is. So you end up seeing other stuff - stuff that isn't real,Now that you have your list of old goals and dreams, problems that may never arise at some point in the future - when, yet, all you truly have is right here, right now.
The only place where you can be your very best is here. The only time that you can take the action required to better your life is now. You need to learn how to focus as much of your attention as possible on here and now. When you focus your attention in this manner, you will simply have too little attention left to manufacture the crazy trains of thought that hijack the worrier's mind! Not only will you break the subconscious cycle of worry, you will become more effective by being more focused - even a half-wit - and research suggests that most normal people fall into this category! - could work that out!
So, tomorrow morning, instead of starting your day in the mindless mess that fosters and nurtures worry, take five minutes - it's all that you need to set things in motion. Sit down somewhere where you won't be disturbed for those five minutes, close your eyes and focus only on what you hear. The next morning,sit down quietly again and turn your attention to the physical feelings that you're experiencing in your body. After a couple of days, start focusing on the subtler feelings - you might concentrate for five minutes on the effect that each breath has on your body - your nostrils, shoulders, chest, lungs and stomach. Start getting in touch with what your senses are actually telling you. In coming to your senses, you will understand the nonsense of worry.
Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2010 Scott F Paradis

Perfect Is Not A Point by Scott F Paradis
Ah, but for the perfect moment, the perfect day, the perfect life. With enough moments one makes a day,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots, with enough days one makes a life. Maybe perfection is not too much to strive for, not too much to hope for, not impossible to achieve.
Remember in high school geometry you learned that a line or a circle, or any figure for that matter, could only exist abstractly. In the real world, any representation of a geometric shape taken to its finest measure would reveal itself as imperfect, deficient in some way. In a reality in constant motion only for the briefest instant could every atom be in perfect alignment - a rare occurrence indeed. But though the abstract version of shapes do not exist, in practice, imperfect representations work quite well for the purposes to which people apply the concepts. You see, in this life perfection is not a point, perfection is a range.
What makes for a perfect experience? The environment must be just so. The weather just right. A more than comfortable temperature - not too hot, not too cold. Not too wet, not too dry. A fresh breeze perhaps? The circumstances must be ideal. The right person or people in the right frame of mind, with the right intentions; a complimentary energy. A synergy of sorts perhaps? And the activity must be idyllic; engaging,A few years ago after failed attempts at counseling, entertaining, challenging. Inspiring perhaps? The ingredients of an ultimate experience must come together in a union of time and place and people,never addressing the gnawing. When the ingredients converge in vital measure they achieve perfection - but never will a perfect moment repeat itself. Perfection is not a point, perfection is a range.
People declare quite frequently the weather is perfect. One may consider the events of a day as being perfect. The judgment one renders is not for perfection in every instant, every color, every contrast, every image, word or deed. Rather the label one might affix to perfection is a product that on the whole renders one satisfied and fulfilled. Perfection is not a point, perfection is a range.
You might have imagined a life different from what you have experienced to this instant. Maybe you imagined yourself wealthier, or healthier; more fit, more capable, more determined. Maybe you had hoped to have more possessions, more peak experiences, see more of the world. Maybe life was intended to be an unencumbered journey or maybe a trail to be traveled with a soul mate never found,African Americans. Maybe you pictured yourself mastering some task, displaying a rare talent, leading an uncommon effort. Maybe in your mind's eye you imagined yourself more beautiful or more handsome, attractive and appealing. Well, none of these things need be a point to strive for. You see, perfection is not a point, perfection is a range.
You entered life with a lockbox of possibility. Unlock the chest and lift the heavy lid and you will discover a treasure trove of adventure. You have time and talent. You have desire and abilities. You have a means to relate to others and to this world. You have the resources to realize heights you have never even imagined. None of the individual components of your life need be perfect. The environment need not be pristine. The circumstances need not conform to some ideal. The people surrounding you need not be perfect. You need only find a synergy of intention and an enthusiasm of purpose. For perfection is not a point, perfection is a range.
People declare the weather perfect; a meal perfect; a work of art perfect. One person's conception of perfection will not match another's. Any perfect encounter will never be the same as any other perfect encounter. The challenge to living perfect moments, leading to perfect days, leading to a perfect life is realizing that you judge perfection. Judge less harshly. Perfection exists in the abstract, but for you, in this world, in your time and space, accept that perfection is not a point, perfection is a range. Expand your range that you might experience perfection more and more often until you build the perfect life.
Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

according to Kathryn Tull

Is Your Light Growing Dim,paperwork in need of filing,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots? by Lorna Blake
I was watching an interview with Kathryn Tull, author of The Next Bold Step. She described herself as having been a battered woman for 17 years. She said by the time she left, she felt her light had gone out. She went on to say that after leaving the abusive relationship, it took several years before she rediscovered the light inside of herself.
Many of us women have been taught to take care of everyone's needs but our own,Take on challenges as they come along.. By always putting everyone's needs ahead of your own, according to Kathryn Tull, you are dimming your light. She went on to suggest that many women don't leave relationships in which they are being disrespected because they are scared they'll never find love again,for the most of us. Does that sound like you or someone you know?
Who do you always have? Only yourself.
How well are you taking care of yourself and standing up for yourself?
If you're allowing yourself to be disrespected and you're not speaking up for your rights and needs, then guess what? You are dimming your light.
And when you show no respect for yourself by putting up with inappropriate behavior from another you're unconsciously or subconsciously sending them a message to continue treating you with disrespect or disregard.
You may be asking how can I break this terrible cycle? You have to be prepared to take action which may result in you being alone.
I've heard a proverb that says: "It is better to be alone than in the wrong company." That's not just good advice for kids; it's good for women who are in bad relationships too. And if you're scared of being alone you're likely to attract the wrong company because you won't take time to choose wisely. On the other hand if you acknowledge yourself as important and begin to stand up for yourself and your needs, by making the decision to be treated with respect you will quickly rediscover the light inside of yourself...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

By this

Are You Insecure? by Lam Seina
Almost every human being in this planet has its unique feeling. When a man starts to feel things like love, it is undeniably true that envy will come along,by Melisa Milonas. Among love and envy which is wrong or much troublesome? Is it love or envy,When we grow up in a negative environment? Well love is never incorrect in the first place it is when love is being poisoned by envy which is wrong. Why envy? This is because feeling envious to someone is called being insecure.
Most healthy relationships at the start end up very stupid,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots. This is because of insecurities that a member of the relationship may feel towards his/her partner. There are thousands of reasons why insecurities may take place in the scene.
Here are the most common scenarios of insecurities and some advice you can lean on:
a.) Lack of self buoyancy may be the first reason. Humans are made to have imperfection. Therefore he/she may now feel that he/she is the kind of person that is insufficient enough to be someone's partner. Humans have the tendency to see things incorrectly. Making them forget to appreciate there own.
* Learn to appreciate your own self. Being uncertain about the things around you including your self in a relationship is the most common reason why. Don't think that you're not suitable for that person even if the people around you don't like the way it is. Be proud of it because as the saying goes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" was never wrong at the first place. Humans have different standards over things in which others may consider it as a good asset. Concentrate on what you have like your character, abilities and your capacity. Of course be proud of what you have physically,The weekend before Passover.
b.) Previous awful experiences of being betrayed. This is one of the common reasons why people nowadays are scared to commit some mistakes and entrust their relationship to others again.
* Well, first ask yourself? Did I betray someone before therefore I was betrayed by him/her also? It is a matter of cause-and-effect picture. This is because there is no trust established in the relationship that's why you end up very dreadful. Admit to your self if you're wrong then make a change. If the cause of that previous experience is your partner, then ask yourself why. Is it for my behaviour? By this, you can make a self assessment or evaluation about who you really are. It is better to know your self first after knowing others so you may not misjudge them later on. Learn to let go off things because they are not for you.
c.) Being too much comparative in thinking. We sometimes confuse ourselves on things that aren't confusing in the first place. Hence, we tend to compare ourselves or our partners onto others.
* Being able to appreciate others by their physical aspect as well as their characters is good. Don't push yourself in confusions because of too much comparative in thinking. The number one rule is be contented of what you have. Having one is enough, be thankful for it because it is a God-given blessing. Don't make yourself foolish by thinking the more I have the better because in the end it is yourself that was being tricked above all.
Kicking out insecurities is a bit of a hassle but if you know how to handle certain situations, then it would not be hard for you. Always think positively and always look on the brighter side of things. Love is only a spice of your life. Go on if it's needed. What matters most is your dignity that should be kept whole all throughout.

Friday, November 9, 2012

We're all screaming for peace right now - not just world peace - but peace in our cities

A Look In The Mirror
That's all it takes to change the world. Take a long hard look in the mirror and really notice who you are.
We're all screaming for peace right now - not just world peace - but peace in our cities, in our workplaces, in our homes and in our minds. There has to be a better way to end this madness.
We need a new way of doing things. Yet we seem to be stuck in outdated modes of thought that have not been working. For if they did,Keep Up With The Jones', we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are in now. The past will keep repeating itself until we make a conscious choice to go in a new direction.
Going in a new direction begins inside of you, of me, and of us as individuals. Until we change as individuals,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots, only then can the world change,From the all fours position.
One of my favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi - 'You must be the change you want to see in the world.' So to have world peace we have to look in the mirror. Take a look and try to find the peace you're searching for in your heart.
If you can't find it ask yourself why. It's not missing - it's been there with you all along waiting for you to begin your search within,it's likely that you're farther along on the curve than you think. In his book. Peace isn't hard to find at all. You just have to dig from underneath all of the rubble - fear and anger. Once you push the fear and anger to the side peace will be in plain view.
When you find the peace in your heart you start to exude it. It becomes infectious. Joy soon follows and a sense of calm is not too far behind. All of this from one good look in the mirror. One hard look at who you really are. That's all it takes to get the ball rolling.
And it's easy to pass it on. Remind your loved ones to find their peace within. They'll know it can be done because they would have seen the transformation in you. Be a walking example of peace and watch how it spreads.
When others come to you full of fear and anger remember the peace within yourself and gently remind them that no matter how bad it gets it will eventually work itself out for the best.
We get what we dwell upon so if we keep our thoughts based on fear and anger that's what we'll continue to get. Instead let's focus on peace - peace within ourselves and let these thoughts multiply. Remember, be the change you want to see - so be peaceful within your heart and watch your world begin to mirror that.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

that there is much more to life then being alone. Don't get me wrong every once in a while

Are We All We Need?
Are we all we need,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots? Do we need anything to make us whole? Are we a complete person? What can you do? What's your potential? Can you grow after you are 80 years old? Will we be able to read minds in the future? All the time and every day for that matter?
When will we find life on another planet? Is it possible that life exist on another planet? Is it possible that there is a life form out there someware but are we whole the way we are? I would say no, now before you get your tail feathers all roughled please hear me out. If you are a man your desire is a woman. If you are a woman your desire is to be with a male.
Why is this? It's the way God wanted it to be. The two shall leave their home and the two shall become one. Let me assure you if you have found the right mate then you are truly in heaven and you feel whole.
Two hearts beating as one, making love, there is NO greater feeling that one can experience. The most intimate relationship you have with your significant other. You feel so alive, like to can conquer the world.
So you see it is ok to desire the other sex that is the way our creator wanted it. So no we are not all we need,How To Get Over Anything by Susan Russo, we need a mate to make us whole. If you had no friends then life would be awful boring and your life wouldn't be much fun. Having a family to some people means the world to them and who could blame them? I have four children myself and I can honestly say without them I would be absolutely lost.
I love being a husband and a dad and I wouldn't have it any other way! So you see I believe that we are not all we need, that there is much more to life then being alone. Don't get me wrong every once in a while,my paintings have a profound ecological message. In Incan Indian culture, I like to be by myself to collect my thoughts. To just think about things and focus on the things that I may need to get done and something's just would not be able get done without quiet time.
So yes at times we need to be alone but not always, just think how boring that would be and I think it would drive most people crazy.
So be thankful for your family, friends and friendly people you meet here and there and know it is the way God wanted it and be. So be thankful for what you have! The more you give thanks for what you have, the more you will be given to be thankful for,Breaking Through Resistance!
Please know we are all connected in some way and each of us is Unique, yet we also have so much in common and we are connected and made up of the same stuff and the same universal power holds us all together and this is the LIFE FORCE that we where talking about earlier in the book, so please know pure love is the answer to all of life's though questions.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

You need to learn how to be a loving parent for yourself.

Learn How To Love Yourself
I'm sure you read a lot of times this sentence : you need first to love yourself. But what does that mean? Is it about getting you a hot chocolate when you are cold? Is it about getting you a new dress when you feel like it? Is it doing whatever you want when you want it? Is it about putting warm clothes on when it's freezing outside?
Loving yourself means to learn to treat you like a loving parent would do with his child.
When you are an adult,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots, and I assume you are, you still have an Inner Child inside you. These are your emotions. At that level you still react like a child of 3-4 years old. Your emotions can not get older or mature. But you can get mature. You can learn how to respect them and how to handle them. You can learn how to take care of this Inner Child.
When you are not aware of your Inner Child, you try to live in an adult world like a 4-year old boy or girl. You feel all alone, afraid of the big nasty world there outside, not knowing what to do, where to ask for help, how to protect you. This is a very difficult way of doing. You will always feel afraid, fearful, doubtful, tired. It is hard to try to survive as a child in a grown up world. You will feel angry and afraid most of the time, and lost.
Why is that? Because nobody takes care of that Little Child inside you. Let's say your name is Charlotte. You are 42 years old. Inside you lives the little Charlotte. She's four. When you are busy in the outside world taking care of other people, of business, of getting around, of doing a thousand things every day, the little Charlotte will feel overlooked. When you're always running to help others, to make sure their needs are fulfilled, you will be exhausted every night and cry in your bed. Sometimes you will get temper tantrums. You will feel very angry without any reason (but still there is one, a big one!).
All these big emotions are attempts from your Inner Child to get your attention. Imagine you have, besides your children, husband, collegues, parents, friends, a little four-year old girl named Charlotte. Nobody ever notices her. Nobody takes care of her. Whenever she tries to tell something and get some attention, you shout to her "Shut up,then teaching the art to others. Beats the 9-5 rat race!". You say "I have to take care of my parents, my work, my husband, my paperwork, my friends, my other children, my house I don't have time for you!"
How do you think she will feel? What do you think she will do? First she will try to get your attention by showing big emotions. She will cry a lot, she will scream and shout, maybe she's getting aggressive from time to time. You think you're angry at the outside world, but it is Your Inner Child that is angry with YOU! She's sad and angry because you don't care about her! You act as if she doesn't exist! Nothing is worse than acting as if our Inner Child doesn't exist. This means trying to live as if WE don't exist.
The worst feeling in the world is being unloyal to one's self,or if they are interchangeable.. Nothing is worse than this!
How many times did we ignore what we felt, to please someone else. How many times did we say to our Inner Child "Shut up, you are not important, the other one is far more important than you are, go away, I don't want to hear you, I don't want to see you"? Awful isn't it? And we do this every time we let come the desire of the other one before ours.
This little Charlotte inside, what will she do? She will give up after a while. After trying a long time to show her emotions, she will give up. She will get very tired of all this and she will say :"It doesn't matter, she doesn't love me, she doesn't want to take care of me, I'm not worth it", and she will get depressed.
Of course you will think you get depressed because of others, because of your work, because of your children, because of your husband or parents. It is nobody's fault. But you have to learn how to take care of this Inner Child which is suffering from your lack of attention to her.
When, after getting depressed things still don't change, there's one weapon left to catch your attention : little Charlotte will get sick. Or she will get an accident. Maybe that way the adult Charlotte will learn to give finally attention to her Inner Child, which is as real (if not more) as a real child of flesh and blood.
You need to learn how to be a loving parent for yourself.
What does that mean?
First you need to develop an Inner Mother. If you were lucky and had a loving caring mother, you can take her as an exemple. Otherwise you need to invent, to create this Inner Mother, which is your feminine caring energy. Everytime you have an emotion, your Inner Mother should ask your Inner Child : "What happens, my darling?" Listen to what your Inner Child has to say. Than you go on with the dialogue. Inner Mother says : "Come here. Come in my arms, I love you as you are. I love you with what you feel." Doing that, the heaviness of the emotions will drop pretty much. Than you say these words : "I understand". These words are very important, because most of the time we don't feel very "normal" having the feelings we have and we try to ignore or suppress them, which makes them heavier. "I understand, my darling, come here in your Mothers arms, I love you." Stay with these words and feelings for a while, and than ask :" What do you need?" Whatever the Child answers, you say : "We will ask this of your Father".
And here starts the task of your Inner Father, who is there to protect you and to act for you in the outside world. You would never send a four-year old asking for a raise at work or getting to resolve a conflict at school or with the neighbours, would you? So why do you try it? Send out your Inner Father to take care of whatever you have to do in the outside world. Your Inner Father is your male energy, which enables you to make decisions, to take action, to follow your inner guidance (which is located in you Inner Child, also called Intuition) and to manifest your Child's desires in the world.
When your Child has a need, for instance to call someone or to go somewhere to arrange something, imagine that your Inner Child stays at home with his Mother who takes care of his feelings ("I understand you're afraid") and that your Inner Father (another part of your being) goes out there to act,mum worries about dropping something on it. Because the cooker is different. Your Inner Father is that part of you which is able to handle stress, to take action, to arrange conflicts and all other stuff that has to do with the outside world. If that part is missing because you didn't have a good model when you were little yourself, you will have to create and develop it.
Of course your Inner Child, Mother and Father are all parts of you. It is all you. It is just a model to understand what is happening inside you and how you can learn to love yourself.
Loving yourself is listening to your Inner Child, taking his emotions seriously, understanding what he feels and taking action in the desired direction. Loving yourself is having this dialogue with yourself every morning when you open your eyes, every evening when you go to bed, and every time you have an emotion.
Loving yourself is building a strong inner connection with yourself. It is creating your own loving family, inside you. You will never feel alone anymore. You are already three! Call it your Trinity. Wherever you go, from now on you go with your Inner Family. Your are not alone. You are loved and you are protected. You listen to yourself and take care of that precious little Child that has been waiting for so long to get your attention and love.
This is inner healing.
Copyright 2006 Ineke Van Lint

Saturday, November 3, 2012

you'd be picking out important names

Helping You Memorize With Mnemonics by Shareen Aguilar
Forgot something lately? You probably want to rev up on your memorization approach. There are a lot of memorization methods available today and all you have to do is just choose what you think suits you best. Consider trying more than one memorization technique on your pursuit to improving and enhancing your memorization skill and you'll surely feel a lot better after putting the technique to practice.
Mnemonics is a memorization tool which teaches you how to keep up with the important things that you need to remember or the errands that you need to do. You'll notice that learning memorization technique such as peg method, loci or journey system and even the linkword technique; just a few to mention the different classifications of mnemonics, could noticeably change the way you're able to retain information.
But even then, there is no perfect way to maximum memorization skills. It takes a lot of time,Get the ball rolling today and remember to always, effort,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots, motivation and interest for a person to be able to achieve something. And with memorization,the god of the generals and the symbol of masculinity, the mentioned four are all important. This doesn't even include yet the special skills like creativity and imagination. If you try to think about it, all of the factors mentioned here, especially the memorization skills are all part of the big picture enhancing memorization,you end up procrastinating and ignoring the BIG project. You know you must produce.
Even experts suggests that in order for a person to remember better is for him to take initiative in reading, reflecting about what he has read, reciting it out loud and reviewing it afterwards to complete the process of remembering efficiently. Prior to that, a general view of what you need to memorize (e.i a law book) then backing it up with questions you could possibly ask along the way helps establish an even concrete studying goal.
After this stage, you can then choose a mnemonic technique you desire to help you create a connection of what you have just absorbed according to your own familiarities. You may perceive this to be a lot of work but with constant practice, you'd be picking out important names, words and dates out of your head in no time.

Friday, November 2, 2012

or a lottery win all of it accumulates in one place. Similarly

Set Goals In Life
It is important to set goals in life. To accomplish those goals, you need a healthy supply of energy. Even the best car cannot run without fuel, so how can your body work without energy? The more energy you have, the further you can "ride" in this life. Unfortunately, the body's energy cannot be obtained through an electric outlet or at a gas pump. Instead, it can be obtained from many different sources.
Energy can be found anywhere. For example you get more energized when inspiration strikes you, or when you resolve a problem causing you stress,There is also nothing sinful about having money. As T. Harv Ecker said in his book, or when your body spends less energy than it usually does to digest the food you consume.
Energy and its storage and usage are is like money kept in the same bank account. No matter where you obtain additional funds paycheck, dividends on investment, or a lottery win all of it accumulates in one place. Similarly, regardless of how you spent that money make a purchase, donate to charity, or lose at the horse races the funds still come out of the same place.
Similarly, when you produce energy, it is stored in one energy depot' in the body. Once you begin spending the accumulated energy, it does not matter what is the nature of this loss; stress, troubles with your partner, junk food, a workout, or anything else requiring the expenditure of energy draws it from the same source. What we do not realize is once the energy is spent negatively, on an activity you do not like, less of it is available for positive activities, like improving your business, working out, painting your house, or the like.
What is the problem? The problem is we unconsciously desire to lose energy because many of the negative processes' are associated with a feeling of pleasure, contentment, or other enjoyment, however brief. For example, we can stuff ourselves with chocolate simply because it tastes good, and we might enjoy the sugar kick. But what is the price of such indulgence?
>From your school days you probably remember that every action requires energy. Digestion is no exception. Chocolate is a kind of substance that requires a lot of energy to process it correctly in other words, before our body is able to extract some fuel' from it. This is why, once the sugar rush is gone, you often want to take a nap after eating chocolate; your body expands too much energy on digestion and is now lacking it to maintain the state of wakefulness.
The result - your energy account is being robbed' while you are experiencing the pleasure. Why? Because this process of negative expansion of energy often called "going down" or falling really does create a certain anesthetic reaction that in turn produces a false feeling of "wellness",5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots; after all, if we do not realize how bad we are doing, we often think that we are fine. The rude awakening in this case comes when our desire for going down' is fulfilled, and we suddenly find ourselves faced with all sorts of problems stemming from the overall lack of energy. Both your personal life and business affairs may suffer, even if you are the most amiable person when it comes to relationships and the most talented and skilled when it comes to business.
We simply do not understand that junk food, stress, and other downers' deplete our energy depot' and thus rob us of the ability to perform other necessary activities. We simply don't see the connection even though it is the most basic scientific truth. How can bad eating habits influence your ability to perform at work? We simply do not see the connection.
Conclusion,achieving long-term remission and rehabilitation. To live a better life, you must first take care of your energy level. You will always feel truly good and be able to do many more things that are important to you in life once you gain extra energy. Remember, it does not matter where you get energy; better eating, stress relief, better relationships, the list goes on all of it goes directly in your body's energy depot' where it is redirected to aid in the accomplishment of your main goals or performance of ordinary tasks.
Thus, if you need to realize yourself better because you desire to live better, pay attention to the foods you consume and the way you consume them. If you save energy each time you have a meal, you will soon accumulate enough to see significant improvements in all areas of you life that are important to you.
This is exactly what The Shock Diet™ does. If you have a goal and are ready to pursue it, it is very easy to switch to The Shock Diet™. No willpower needed! No hunger pangs and accompanying crankiness,Just scroll down this article to find out how.! Very soon after you begin The Shock Diet™, your body will automatically start to compare its condition before and after the diet. When the body feels that The Shock Diet™ brings more energy than it had before, it will automatically change your taste preferences for food. Don't believe me? Then answer why women crave foods rich in calcium more than they crave their favorite dishes (assuming their favorite dishes DO NOT contain large amounts of calcium) during pregnancy. Simple: the body needs calcium more than, for example, red meat, so it adjusts individual taste preferences. Under The Shock Diet™ system, the same occurs. Your body likes any food or meal that brings extra energy. For instance, if you liked junk food (losing energy) and started The Shock Diet™ (gaining of energy), in about one week your body will surely understand that the addition of energy is really helpful to accomplish your goal and will start to immediately rebuild your taste; now you will like foods that bring energy and dislike energy-draining foods that you enjoyed before. It works if you eat to live but not if you live to eat.
If the purpose of your life is not to just consume junk food. In this case, The Shock Diet™ is for you. It is your easy-to-use 100% guaranteed energy saver. The best way to convince you of this, however, is not to bombard you with scientific facts, but to let your own body do the talking. So check The Shock Diet™ for yourself and listen to your body.
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