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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

according to Kathryn Tull

Is Your Light Growing Dim,paperwork in need of filing,5838 Ugg Bailey Button Bomber Jacket Grey Boots? by Lorna Blake
I was watching an interview with Kathryn Tull, author of The Next Bold Step. She described herself as having been a battered woman for 17 years. She said by the time she left, she felt her light had gone out. She went on to say that after leaving the abusive relationship, it took several years before she rediscovered the light inside of herself.
Many of us women have been taught to take care of everyone's needs but our own,Take on challenges as they come along.. By always putting everyone's needs ahead of your own, according to Kathryn Tull, you are dimming your light. She went on to suggest that many women don't leave relationships in which they are being disrespected because they are scared they'll never find love again,for the most of us. Does that sound like you or someone you know?
Who do you always have? Only yourself.
How well are you taking care of yourself and standing up for yourself?
If you're allowing yourself to be disrespected and you're not speaking up for your rights and needs, then guess what? You are dimming your light.
And when you show no respect for yourself by putting up with inappropriate behavior from another you're unconsciously or subconsciously sending them a message to continue treating you with disrespect or disregard.
You may be asking how can I break this terrible cycle? You have to be prepared to take action which may result in you being alone.
I've heard a proverb that says: "It is better to be alone than in the wrong company." That's not just good advice for kids; it's good for women who are in bad relationships too. And if you're scared of being alone you're likely to attract the wrong company because you won't take time to choose wisely. On the other hand if you acknowledge yourself as important and begin to stand up for yourself and your needs, by making the decision to be treated with respect you will quickly rediscover the light inside of yourself...

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